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For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)

Weekly Discussions Thread – October 09, 2022

Our Weekly Discussions Thread is for you to ask questions and generate discussions that you don’t feel warrant their own post.

  • No such thing as dumb questions in this thread
  • Angry at your DSP or Amazon? Let it out here
  • Have suggestions for r/AmazonDSPDrivers ? Let us know

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)