I am fairly new to Amazon flex, however I did notice something weird…
During the day app only gives me an option to deliver between the hours of 10am-3pm (I checked all boxes for my availability hours)…. The other day I did a 3.5 hour block that ended at 3pm. I was on my way home right after when I saw a block pop up from 6:30pm-10:00pm… This have happened several times…
I have a full time job and I just do this on a side to get some extra cash, I get back home around 4pm and because of it I can not deliver during the week because all I get are these mid day blocks….But somehow every single time I can squeeze one in during the week it gives me night options right as I am done…
It is weird that those night options aren’t available for me during the day, or until I am done delivering that day.
submitted by /u/Ok_Concern_4125
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