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Reminder To At Least Count Your Packages On Pickup, No Matter Your Sort Method

Today was one of those days that could have been an exercise in extreme frustration if I hadn’t caught it early. The app had marked 3 packages as missing and undeliverable, but they were in my cart. If I hadn’t caught it before I left, I very well could have finished my route none the wiser, and either had to backtrack or go to the warehouse to drop them off.

Even with scanning the packages in as I loaded my car, it still considered the packages to be missing. Thankfully with two of them I was able to hit a button for “Reattempt Delivery” if I selected the stop in my itinerary, but the last one required contacting support to have it marked as picked up before I could get anywhere with it.

I know not everyone scans packages on the app as they load up, so I thought I’d say something to remind everyone that they need to at least count how many packages are in their cart. This is the first time something like this has happened to me, but in the last month there was 2 instances of packages in my cart that weren’t on my route as well.

submitted by /u/incubusfox
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