Honestly why do people that live on main roads and have no driveways order so many/such large packages? Like, YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO GET TO YOUR DOOR!!! My biggest fear is when I pop my hazards on and take up a lane to go to the back and find a box and end up getting rear ended and yeeted around the back of the van. These lazy ass mfs man why has America become increasingly more afraid of stores? 😂😂 let’s be honest Amazon doesn’t even have that many great deals on quality products anyways so you aren’t saving that much money by ordering it online. Or the mfs that will order a tube of mascara but they live on the fifth floor with no elevators… GO BUY THAT SHIT AT THE STORE MAN 😂😂😂 make me walk up five flights of stairs for some GOD DAMN MASCARA SARAH!! I’m gonna start writing down addresses and sending these people glitter bombs I swear to god lol
submitted by /u/Longjumping_Pirate87
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