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Returning An Entire Block

To start things off, this was a 3 hour block with about 45 packages. The packages were going 30 minutes down south to a city that I would always like to avoid. I took the packages anyways since I did not want to have an entire block marked undelivered on my account.

The first two deliveries went fine and it did not seem so bad after all in this area. That was until I had to deliver a package to a locker at a gas station. Outside of the locker, there was a man with a mask on asking anyone nearby if they had change. Him seeing that I was a delivery driver, asked me multiple times if I had two quarters. I told him no every time until he got more aggressive and persistent with me to where he was almost in my face. I hurried up and got the package into the locker and was on my way. The very next stop was down a long ally where there were many groups of people outside. When I entered this ally, a group of guys looked at me and one said “This is not the area you wanna be in”. I ignored and continued down the street to where my stop was and noticed that they began following my car. I hurried up and got back into my car and drove to a safer area where I called Amazon Support. I explained the situation and how I felt threatened and unsafe. They told me to return the packages back to the warehouse, which I did.

I am wondering if there is anything else that I should do like emailing them in detail about what happened. I do not want there to be 40 undelivered packages marked on my account. Also, did I do the right thing? I have never been in this situation over the past 3 months of working at Flex.

submitted by /u/cawgnr
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