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Standings Went From ‘Great’ To ‘At Risk’?

Support hasn’t done anything to help me understand the situation, but I believe this is largely due to an issue where I picked up packages from the station for my 7PM-10:30PM block, and some of my packages needed to be delivered to retail locations by 3PM and 5PM (before my block time) while all the remaining packages needed to be delivered by 9PM. I had issues delivering a few of those packages because businesses were closed, so I kept needing to call support so they could notate my account so this wouldn’t go against my standings. I always complete my blocks on time, but this one took me until 11;30PM because of all those issues while trying to deliver 49 packages (I immediately drove 40 minutes out of the way at midnight in the rain to return the undelivered packages to the station).

There’s only one other thing that I think could have impacted my standings, which is:

Every time I deliver from the GNC at the retail outlet near me, I arrive on time to pick up my packages and deliver everything during my expected delivery time frame. The employees at the front of the store don’t update their system to mark the packages as picked up until later in the day, because their system is extremely slow. Because of this, every single one of those deliveries have gone against me and have been marked as ‘late’ in the app.

I don’t know what else to do at this point. I emailed support for what feels like the millionth time but the emails always seem to get lost. Any suggestions? I do actually enjoy delivering for flex in my free time for some extra money during these harder times:/

submitted by /u/ekemps94
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