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Tell Me Whyyyyyyyyy

We even have the option to input business hourssssssss in the app. What is the point.

I always get packages for businesses that are closed and when I go to input the hours, they are already populated. So you’re telling me Amazon knew this business closed at 4pm because 25 previous drivers told them the same thing yet they still put this stop on my 645 route?!

& then get dinged for it while I’m at it?! Bye lmao

submitted by /u/Aggravating_Ear_337
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)