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What Gives With The Routing System?

I’m on my first week of nursery and while a bit nervous, I’m averaging 20 stops per hour in an unfamiliar area with shitty spaced out stops. (130 stops, 20 overflow)

It starts off with a residential area where I’ll go through 4 stops at most until I have to drive right back around to another residential area with another 4 stops. Then it routes me 4 minutes away to an apartment complex with no parking and then routes me to more residential areas.

Besides that, I’ve been driving a uhaul van when I originally trained on an Amazon van and learned to organized but now im attempting to organize a van that fits 130 stops and 10-20 overflow at most. Is this some sort of “route boot camp”? or am I just being fucked? The stops and organization are the least of my concern, but what’s been pissing me off lately is the amount of time I’ll have to turn around because the navigation system takes 1 minute to re-route and how spaced out the routes are. I feel like I just from street to street as opposed to house to house.

What are some tips?

submitted by /u/SandwichLonely9493
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