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Hardest Job Ever

I just came here to rant since my girl don’t want to hear it lol so I worked in auto sales for the past 5 years and made good money then Covid hit and yeah. I moved out of state so I had zero clientele so I had to find something else for now. I got that cherished job driving for a Amazon dsp just to cover the bills until the car situation fixes or until I find something else. Driving for Amazon is hell on earth. I’ve seen people say it’s better than fast food but I disagree (depending on position and area). I am paid $17.75 at my dsp, and I’m considering taking a AM potion at Culver’s for $19.50. Yes working with humans sucks (I’d negotiate with people for 5 hours over $20 a month selling cars) but let me tell you.. I’m beat doing Amazon. Jumping in and out the van 180+ times a day and all the apartments my left knee is killing me and my back and neck. We start at 10am but I don’t leave the station until around 11:30am. 25mins driving to work then not leaving the station until 11:30ish there’s already 2 hours of my life gone before I can even start. Then once I finish around 8pm (if lucky) I have a 20min ride back to the station then a 20min drive back home. I’m wasting my entire day for $17.75 an hour and have zero energy for my girl when I get home or the gym. 17.75X4 10 hour days a week is 2,840 a month. Wow lol. It’s not even worth beating myself up physically a 5th day for the OT pay. Vs culver’s 19.25 @ 40 hours then times that by 1.5 for a additional 10-15 hours a week OT. We are talking like a 25-30k a year difference. No time wasted I just drive to work clock in and start. Sure it’s still not a dream job but why y’all would beat the crap out of yourselves for 34k a year y’all are crazy. At Culver’s with OT I’ll do like 57k a year 60k if I want to push it. I do have grown up bills so maybe it’s different. I’m 30 I rather not have to have my knee or back replaced in 10 years from Amazon I’m good. Plus when it hits 100+ outside in summer hell to the fucking no. You know it’s ass when customers on your route tell you they feel bad. If you can find a decent “fast food place” then honestly it’s better, people talk so down on it which I get why but personally I rather not beat the shit out of my knees and back and have zero energy and lower pay. Put the pride aside and get that money!

submitted by /u/Carsalesguy6629
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