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As A Former Dispatcher (Left Amazon Recently)

Some of your dispatchers are cock heads and you need to change DSPS.

I would jump in vans with people that struggle and teach them how to be more efficient and not fall behind. Especially at the beginning the job can feel overwhelming and people don’t know the tricks us seasoned drivers know.

I was never quick to fire anyone that “sucks” you can tell when someone is genuinely trying to do their best and when people are just bullshitting.

If you’re actually trying I get much more value in giving you time and tips on how to improve and I can say I have turned around many drivers that use to struggle.

I don’t ball bust anyone, I have been in the driver seat and had good and bad days. Days my body was destroyed and had no energy. Days with personal life issues.

Yes this is a job, and performance is a big factor but my strategy was to give everyone a fair shot. And help them the best I can.

I see some of the photos you guys post of your dispatchers and I’m like.. yikes.

Yeah we’re the shitheads that need to make sure EOC and other metrics are met but it’s the way you convey that to your team. You can choose to be a dick or come from an understanding position.

I would go along the lines of “Hey.. I know it’s fucking freezing/hot but Amazon will give you a defect that is not within my control.. atleast make it look like you’re trying to shut it off at some stops”

Amazon tightens the grip on us but it’s our job to be the voice of our drivers and to manage a team. Some of your dispatchers seem like a total moral killer for a job that’s physically demanding. Change DSPS asap. I always try to make sure my drivers know their appreciated and I thank them every day before leaving. I try to keep it as human as possible and not act like they are robots after a long day.

I have owners that have a good philosophy too and at the end of the day we’re third party “contractors” but this is very still amazons game. Sucks that we can’t imply rules on how OUR vans are operated.

But if you haven’t heard it from your own dispatcher we appreciate you coming in and busting your ass every day. We can’t operate without you. I can’t dispatch without a team.

submitted by /u/turkct
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