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What Is Going On In Portland

how are yall doin? man it’s been rough. vor3 seems to be the main active warehouse and the rates are dogshit and usually scarce. one of the dpd2 workers told me half of them moved to vor3 and dpd2 will only be used for something specific which i forgot what she said. i can’t predict when rates surge at vor3 and it’s a near miracle to get a surge now. i used to be able to rely on certain days to work and certain surges but now i can’t. i do notice the order of when base pay shifts are posted now and they get taken within hrs. and there are a million new ppl every day. and don’t get me started on the routes and mileage. some routes have been over 100 miles several times recently. just wondering what everyone’s experience has been in jan and feb. i haven’t been on here pretty much at all since the holidays so i also wanted to just say hi lmao. also i lost my license last month and finally just got my new one but ive been a bit out of the loop since losing my license. also this is the most ive taken base pay after being vehemently against it for so long..but like i gotta work. sometimes i think abt getting a real job lmao. feels less worth it more and more which sucks cuz i actually enjoy this gig as much as i am capable of enjoying work lmao. alright mini rant over i hope yall are doing well:) hopefully the madness goes back to normal by spring or summer..

submitted by /u/ilikeplants08
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Flex Driver Success Guide

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