I work in Brooklyn and do not have the time to ring every single doorbell and wait for customers to take their package. I have to hide the package, take a picture, and move on. Usually, customers don’t answer the door so I would end up having to do this anyway.
The other day I had to deliver 3 XL packages to an apartment house. I delivered them to the basement stairs so they could not be seen from the street. As I am delivering to other locations on the same street a middle aged raggedy looking man came outside from that apartment house and told me “Come over here” in a very aggressive tone. This fat piece of shit scolded me for not ringing his bell and told me “I live up here, don’t leave my packages down there”. The whole interaction was aggressive, and this man was talking down to me as if I was his slave. Instead of arguing with him I said no problem and went on my way.
It’s unbelievable how entitled these losers are..
submitted by /u/Then_Relationship158
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