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Got Attacked By Two Dogs – Suing The Homeowners – How Much $$ Am I Realistically Looking At. I’m In Illinois If That Helps.

Owner was outside. I pulled up. I grabbed his package – starting walking up – he stepped inside. (For some reason) I’m very aware of his two dogs going crazy in the backyard, but it looks like they have electric collars and can’t cross the driveway. I head to the front door. The dogs ran around the back of the house and met me in the front. They are full sprint straight at me. I turned last minute and they both latched onto my legs. (And one bite on my arm). The owner was very apologetic and immediately showed me the paperwork for the dogs shots – helped clean me up. His wife said she watched the whole thing and “knew they were gonna attack me”

Either way – going through legal proceedings now and I’ve heard a wide range of settlement winnings. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks y’all – stay safe.

submitted by /u/globknobFive5Five
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