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“custom Box”

that’s an envelope, big dog.

it’s gotten to the point that i’m inclined to not even consider the package description when looking for a delivery. the warehouse boys have gotten out of control.

last workday, i had 7 “missing” from the first tote that was kindly stuffed into the last one on my delivery route. had to go all the way back 15 minutes in the opposite direction from the station, back to where i started (because fuck flex’s GPS), and then my 15 minute drive to the station to end my day turned into a 30 back.

trying my damndest not to get mad at folks, because Worker solidarity and all that, but goddamn please stop making my repetitive ass job even harder. the last thing i want to see after ending a 9 hour workday is a handful of packages that i should have delivered at the start of my shift lingering in the final tote.

submitted by /u/smellyracc
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Flex Driver Success Guide

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