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1.5 HR Whole Foods Shifts The Normal Now? (Phoenix/Scottsdale)

For the last week I have only been seeing 1.5 hr blocks for Whole Foods in Phoenix/Scottsdale instead of 2 hour blocks. I took two this weekend and they both had over 30 bags and 5-7 stops, which was the normal for 2 hours blocks in the past.

Are they just fucking us over by knowing we often finish early in 90 mins on a 2 hour? I was able to knock one our in an hour which was nice being able to just go home but still the $11 less per block makes you rely on tips a lot more!

Could it just be that they are slow? Are the 1.5 hour more grouped together? Sort of like doing a vs SSD block?

submitted by /u/keepinitbeefy
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