I started with a mid-afternoon route small perfectly fine. I decided to see what else was out there and picked up a 2.5hr for not much money but gave me some extra cash. That was a mistake. Not only is it really dark but I was sent down so long dirt roads. My car had some loose plastic underneath I need to fix well, it decided that it was going to break worse. So I proceeded to look under my car and noticed how bad it was but nothing I can do.
I finish my route and go to the store to find my wallet is not in my jacket pocket. 😒 So I have no idea where it went and I’m not 100% sure what I lost. With all my debit card credit card flex card and other various things that will be hard to replace.
I definitely blame myself as I usually zip my jacket pocket up. This case the new procedure required my to scan my ID at the Amazon station. It’s been awhile since if been to this location and that’s not the usual. I know it put it back but I don’t recall zipping it back. So maybe somone finds it but I lack faith in humanity these days. No cash to be found otherwise.
submitted by /u/pdibs2017
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