I know the discussion regarding routing stickers covering customer info has come up before but I need to know from as many of you as possible how you handle these terrible and lazy thoughtless inducted packages with stickers over the name and address on the packages.
Believe me I know it gets old when there is more than a 10% error so if you still rather rts them because of it , well I can’t say I blame you .
If you don’t rts them how do you get around this ?
I really like inducting but I guess I’m not good enough or rather fast enough for their liking because it will take me an extra second per package to ensure I don’t get the labels over the address. I miss the AM Craig who used to always tell us that the drivers are the customer so we should work as a team to ensure things go as smooth for you all as possible,
I cringe when I have to stow and get more than a dozen packages with stickers over addresses and I just mark it as damaged now and make them fix it.
Those labels aren’t cheap when they have to keep wasting them because of plain old carelessness.
At least at my old station the inductors didn’t slap the whole stickers on , that way it was easy to fix them and move them so they didn’t cover that info .
submitted by /u/middleCman
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