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Did Anyone Else Have A Poor Or Great Scorecard Their First 2 Months?

I got fired

Said it was my performance and not finishing routes

I only had one poor scorecard and got a fantastic scorecard the day after getting fired

I only got rescued after getting swept down to 140 stops during loadout because the chargers in the van weren’t working and the person who rescued me (a friend of mine) got rescued for the same reason

I’m pretty upset because my manager humiliated me in front of dispatch and scheduling over that and I qas too humiliated to defend myself and left to cry instead

I was going to quit anyway because they paid less than half than my old dsp who begged me to stay even though I was probably their worst driver lol

Between both dsps, I was only a driver for 2 months.

The manager at this dsp didn’t give me a route until he fired me. I still ended up with a route because people called out/no call no showed and I was given (and finished) their routes

He also got upset if we didn’t finish on his time. His (rumored) wife/fiance worked scheduling and apparently readjusted another friend/coworker of mines hours when she missed an exit and stayed out longer so she wouldn’t get paid for that extra time

My friends who’d been working their longer and were better at the job were busting their ass literally running their entire shift to get paid for 9 hours or less. I know a couple of them were finishing 5:30.

My last dsp had guaranteed hours and I was making 1k a week to do a shit job as a poorly trained new driver. Before I got fired, I wasn’t returning packages, hadn’t been rescued all week (except for one of those drivers who finished early asking to take 2 bags off of me even though I was on time)

So I asked a dispatcher why I got fired and he said it was more than getting rescued and if my manger said it was my performance than that’s all he could say

Like I said, the day after I got fired, I had a fantastic score card. I did have one poor score card and two greats leading up to that

I guess my question is: what are they expecting your second month?

submitted by /u/ghujjjjjjjuuthrowra
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