Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)

I Quit Amazon Period

No more being chastised for things not under my control, no more piss bottles, no more apartment steps, no more Amazon. If you’re in Indianapolis do not work for Em Routes the owner could care less about anything other than pleasing and satisfying Amazon.

submitted by /u/CompetitiveEmu3664
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

Amazon Flex Guide

Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)