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Just Quit My Amazon DSP. AITA?

Hey y’all, so backstory, I have never called out before. Not once. Even when I was sick I worked, I needed the money and I actually didn’t hate working for Amazon. On Saturday my brother tragically passed away at 22. I had to work Saturday, so I called out. They made a big deal about me calling out and told me I needed to come in. Absolutely not. My next scheduled day to work was today, Tuesday. They told me in order to come back to work I would need a piece of paper from the hospital stating that he died at the hospital. Not a paper saying he died, or an obituary, stating that he died AT the hospital. Cool, I call the hospital. They tell me they have no clue what I’m talking about, and my work should just need an obituary. manager basically insinuated an obit would be easy to fake and she won’t accept one. My brothers body is still at the hospital, just got done being harvested. My family is in shambles and there is ZERO compassion. At my last job my dog died and they were more compassionate. Anyways, I won’t bust my ass for a company that doesn’t gaf.

submitted by /u/Aggravating_Book7279
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