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People Who Weren’t The Fastest At First, How Did You Make Your Way Up To 25+ Stops Per Hr?

What is the trick?

Here’s what I do as a slow driver:

•I never run until last minute

•I might power walk or jog

•I never drive into driveways I can’t turn around in

•I only back in unless it’s a private driveway and I have no choice

•I only park directly across from the door in the street (And still managed to get enough grass/customer complaints to get fired 😀.. yes ppl complained about the grass 10+ feet away from their mailbox outside of their hedge enclosed home)


•I keep whatever bag I’m working out of next to the door

•I sort my bags and keep them next to me

•I keep the boxes in the bag, don’t organize them, I just write the drivers aid on top where I can see it

•I also write drivers aid on overflow where I can see it

Unless I’m talking to dispatch, asking a question to my trainer, or changing music (I usually use a playlist), I stay off my phone

Things that slowed me down were the rabbit dying, waiting for my phone to update flex or log in

Getting sent back to a stop I had to skip over missing package

Going the speed limit

Having to stomp the van brakes so I could turn the key

submitted by /u/Frequent_Calendar_44
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