Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)

If A Customer Ever Ticks You Off, Just Report Them For Making Racist Comments.

If a customer ever ticks you off, just report them for making racist comments.

A driver said that he heard a racist comment coming through the ring doorbell. Just based off that they suspended the customer’s account, Alexa devices, and smart home devices. There’s this one house that always say that they never got their package. It’s time for some

submitted by /u/InsertNameHere5610
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

Limited Time Bonus
For a limited time when you purchase a copy of the Flex Drivers Guide, 
you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)