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LOL This Is A 3 Hr Block Too

LOL this is a 3 hr block too

so they sent me an hr away from the station w 16 packages, closer to the coast of mass. I thought it was great until this LOLLLLL. had to ss my vid bc apparently no vids allowed: it was a vid of the dirt road and it was ribbed like bumpy as hell. had to go under 5mph or my car was going to combust. then it turned onto another dirt road. took me literally 15 mins to move less than a mile on a traffic-less road

the first time they did this it was during winter, a 5-9pm so it was darker earlier. it was a coastal beach town so as night fell it got foggy as FUCK and I literally could not see. absolute nightmare

submitted by /u/dinacashp
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

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