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After 2 Weeks On The Job

Just some observations after 2 weeks on the job.

My DSP seems supportive and cool. They stress what matters and are super understanding of the small stuff. They let us be as comfortable as we can be while still doing the job right. They are cool with schedules and it’s easy to request and get the days off I need.

I like their scheduling app and I like the time keeping and payroll app.

I hate the dirty vans. I honestly feel disrespected that my employer doesn’t respect me or what I’m doing enough to occasionally clean them. And I would say the exterior bothers me more than the interior, however both are messed up. I’ve yet to see a recently cleaned van. And they are BAD.

The crappy hardware we have to use vexes me. Some phones barely, if at all, get a cell signal in places my own phone has 3 bars. Some phones have to stay on charger or your done in 20 minutes. Staying attached to a charging block is cumbersome and slows me down. Again, kinda back to respecting what I do enough to give me the tools to do it efficiently.

Training is lacking. Wait, I mean, what training? Procedural things still come up each day that I’ve never heard of. But they act like it’s common knowledge. There was NO TRAINING. We had a one day ride along and my co rider really just wanted to get the day over with. Nice enough guy though. They could benefit greatly from at very minimum a simple document which covers a bullet point checklist. Something.

It’s a physically demanding job and I know I haven’t seen the toughest yet. Getting close to it. But I like my DSP and aside from another opportunity leaping out of nowhere I’m sticking with it.

Clean vans would really make my days much easier to get through though.

submitted by /u/niner_greg
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