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Application Process And Job Questions

Hi, I am not sure that I am ready to apply right now but I am considering this job as a possible job/career change if I get too burnt out doing what I am currently doing.

Anyway, my main questions that I haven’t seen answered looking through the posts here are about the application itself and that process. Is the application long and any weird tests or stuff on it? Do you need references? Are there multiple interviews? Basically how much hassle is involved? I have no record and all is good on my end I just hate long app processes and I try to avoid them at all costs unless I know I’m gonna be hired and it’s worth it.

Also, wondering about PTO and how the typical schedule works? How much PTO can you get and are you able to actually take off or is it going to hurt your opportunities for routes etc?

What’s the typical weekly schedule like? 5 days on or 6 days? Are you given options for your off days or how does that work?

Those are my main questions. Everything else I can learn by reading other posts or isn’t relevant to me making a decision. I realize it’s not greatest job ever but I just need something that pays decent for me and is reliable for at least a year preferably. Thanks to anyone who answers.

submitted by /u/ValentinNarcisse001
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