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Left 2 Weeks Ago, And Have Never Been Happier.

I worked at Amazon for 3 years and got so used to the dog shit treatment, I thought that’s what work was. 2 weeks ago, I quit on the spot. I just left my disrespectfully full truck at the station, walked to my car, and left. I had tons of anxiety, and applied to 14 jobs the day I quit. It took me two days to find another job. I am now a cook at a memory care facility, and I’ve never been so happy with a decision I’ve made. First, my pay went from 19.50-22. Instead of MAYBE a 50 cent raise a year, my pay will go up to 25 if I make it through the first year. Then a dollar every year after. I just turned 24 so I could be making 30 dollars an hr by age 30. Next, I never feel overwhelmed or stressed. No one is breathing down my back, I have a bathroom again, I can eat hot food for free. My car is walking distance from me at all times. I didn’t realize how easy a normal job would be after killing my body at Amazon for 3 years. Everyone complains about standing all day, and I feel just fine. I do more than anyone and have already been recognized as extremely helpful and am showing promise. And at the end of the day, I’m a little sore but nowhere near what Amazon would do. I know a lot of you like the job, but if you’ve worked there long enough, maybe you don’t remember what a standard job feels like. I know I forgot!

submitted by /u/EitherConfection1700
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Flex Driver Success Guide

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