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I’m Gonna Transfer But Concerned About Telling Bosses.

My DSP is not the best. Shitty first day. Bad training. Managers talking smack. I already stood out as a “problem” to the managers when I complained I didn’t like that my hours w worked were being reduced on ADP (the app we use for our hours). I’m pretty much all set to work at another DSP at another warehouse. I’m worried if I put in my two weeks (one week) they will retailiate and remove my next few shifts leaving me without work. I’m pretty much almost broke (but not deep in debt thank fucking god), so I need every shift I can get. The new DSP will be accommodating on that if I get off boarded prematurely they’ll take me in. Should I bite the bullet?

Edit: I’ve only been working for a month and the commute is trash which is why I’m actually transferring. Not because of the crappy managers. Some of the dispatchers are pretty cool and so are the coworkers.

submitted by /u/scurvyfleet
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