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Amazon DSP- Class Action Lawsuit

I’m am putting together a class action lawsuit. Are you with me? My fellow DAs isn’t this enough? It’s never going to stop and I’m sure we are just the tip of a massive iceberg. Please, message me all of your thoughts, and together, we can seek remedy. The activity is criminal. It’s NOT normal and through the means of social media, the voice of our community can be heard and thus gain some type of acknowledgment and reinforcement for our mistreatment. As a humble mother of three and advocate for fellow workers, I stand for hard work and fair pay and against the forces of exploitation. We are many, they are few.

Email: Torrence, CA

submitted by /u/Kykekikrew
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Flex Driver Success Guide

If you have not started yet as a flex driver, we put together the most comprehensive guide to set you up for flexess as a flex driver.

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you automatically get 1-year access to the Flex Driver Community Instantly. ($50 value)