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Nashville Warehouse DTN6

hi! i know this one is incredibly specific but i’m hoping there are more of us on this page than me who drive for Nashville.

i have had so many negative experiences and filed a handful of formal complaints about facility DTN6 (madison, TN) which include but are not limited to racial harassment, sexual harassment, general misconduct, and an inconsistent work environment. i have been screamed at by multiple workers, one shoved a cart at me, i watched someone accuse someone who clearly wasn’t stealing a route, stealing a route, the rules for pickup are CONSTANTLY changing with no signage or communication, yet we are treated like *ish if we ask what we’re supposed to do.

i no longer take routes here for less than $160 because of the level of RIDICULOUS it is compared to my other local facilities.

my question for you is have you also picked up at DTN6 and what was your experience? trying to understand if i have just been incredibly unlucky with this staff or if i should push harder to make a change at this facility.

submitted by /u/CombinationTight6832
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