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DSP Owner Removed 4 Hours Of Overtime On Time Card

Owner came to town this week.

He took it upon himself to alter the punch out times for every one of my shifts from last pay period.

I worked a 6 day week, and a 5 day week.

The timecard I approved showed a total of ~114 hours. The adjusted timecard that the DSP owner approved was around ~110.

I confronted him about it during our stand up meeting, he pulled me aside to tell me that he adjusted the time cards based off of the final DVIC inspection. I told him the DVIC is the very first thing I do before I even make it to RTS.

Long story short he did claim that he would add the hours back on to my timecard next pay period. Do I have any legal recourse here?

submitted by /u/Okaygoomer420
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